Burma Citizen Journalist Platform Organization was founded after the military coup on March 5, 2021, to protect turning down the news by junta groups, and to support needed news media education on Citizen Journalists who are taking and presenting the right information from the ground.

In Burma Citizen Journalist Platform Organization, experienced journalists lead and teach journalism courses to a new generation, and train graduated Citizen Journalists to become proficient in news writing. Provide step-by-step training and support to become professional journalists through Citizen Journalists.

Following the slogan of the Burma Citizen Journalist Platform Organization, “We Are Freedom And Voice”, identifying the voice of voiceless people, federal democracy, human rights, ability to protect the rights of minority groups, documenting evidence for transitional justice, knowledge sharing about environment and climate change and to take news documents about protection on country’s ancient heritage and resources, on July 1, 2022, CJ Platform News Agency was established.

Our news agency, CJ Platform has set independent news policy and editorial policies, and under the management of five Executive Directors, the news is broadcast daily with the participation of Citizen Journalists who have graduated from journalism courses opened by the Burma Citizen Journalist Platform Organization.

Website - https://cjplatform.com
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/cjplatformburma
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@cjplatform
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/burmacjplatform
Twitter - https://twitter.com/CjPlatform
Telegram Channel - https://t.me/cjplatform
Mobile Application - Infor MM